Habits for weight loss

I’ve been at this dieting thing for quite a while now. There are some indications that this may be the last time I lose weight. Here are some of the things that I find myself doing more naturally:

I keep in mind how a food will make me feel when I eat it. I know that too much of something could upset my stomach or make me feel sluggish. I know that overdoing carbs could make me sleepy or give me a headache. I know that a well-balanced meal of moderate portions feels much better than eating an oversized meal.

I am more likely to choose my meals á la carte at some restaurants. I know that restaurant portions tend to be large, and I plan to bring some of it home.

I now use smaller dishes when appropriate. I often use 9 inch luncheon plates to serve my dinner, and I use small 10 ounce bowls and sauce dishes to serve myself my cereal and snacks. (The standard size dinner plates in my Corelle set are 10 1/4 inches across. The cereal bowls that came with my set our 18 ounce. The 9 inch plates and 10 ounce bowls were purchased open stock at the Revere/Corning/Corelle outlet store. They don’t come with any of the sets.)

I have learned that I cannot deal with large packages of some snacks such as cookies or banana chips. I have decided that if I really want cookies, I will go to the convenience store and buy one of those individual serving packages. Sure, it costs more by weight, but I end up eating a whole lot less of it. As for the banana chips, one of the local stores sells those in bulk bins, so I can buy exactly the amount I think I can deal with.

I am very happy with these habits. These are the type of habits that will lead to a lifetime of healthy weight. Now if I could just get the fitness part of it established! I’ve started working on that. This month, I have been doing my T-Tapp workout most days.

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