November 2009Monthly Archives

I know why we’re fat.

Q: What do you feed cattle when you want to fatten them?
A: Grains

Q: What is on the bottom of the USDA food pyramid, the stuff we’re supposed to eat the most of?
A: Grains

Q: What type of foods are often sold to us as low-fat?
A: Grain-based foods

Q: What do farmers feed to pigs when they want to fatten them up?
A: Vegetable oils such as corn and soybean

Q: What type of oils did they tell us to eat back in the 70s and 80s?
A: Vegetable oils such as corn and soybean

Q: What type of oils are food manufacturers using in their products?
A: Vegetable oils such as corn and soybean

Are you beginning to get the picture yet? Now try this one:

Q: What do farmers feed to pigs when they want them to be lean?
A: Coconut oil, a saturated fat

Q: What have we been told to avoid for our heart health?
A: Saturated fat

Q: What has been the result of the recommendations to lower our fat intake, particularly saturated fats, and eat a lot of grains?
A: Twice as many Americans are now overweight or obese.